Registration Information



Submit the documents below via PDF to your advisor via email

  1. Passport photo page
  2. Visa US and Canada /Work Permit (Canada)
  3. I-94  (Download I-94 Here) / Stamp of your arrival
  4. Voided check OR Direct Deposit Form from the bank with your name and account information.
    • ​​Voided check: Please send an image of a check for the account where you wish for your stipends and reimbursements to be deposited with the word "VOID" written in large letters across the center of the check.  We must have an image of the check from the bank -and not just a direct deposit form- to ensure we have accurate account information.
  5. Your home/mailing address at your study location in this format:
    1. Street                                                  
    2. Unit Number    
    3. City, State, Country, Postal Code
  6. Updated letter from the University confirming the start date of your program
  7. Email address
  8. Telephone Number
  9. Final Decree/Approval from Civil Service (if available)

**Items 1-3 should be submitted for you, your spouse and your dependents traveling with you to your study location.  For any dependents arriving at a later date submit these documents once they arrive at the study location **

Please be advised that you will be registered with the Embassy once you have submitted all the registration documents. You will then be assigned an Academic Advisor who will be sending you a welcome letter as well as a pamphlet that has the information regarding your registration with the Embassy.



Medical Insurance Emergency Line:  + (1) 866 654 7449

Office Number: + (1) 202 364 2100

Fax Number:  + (1) 202 363 8394


Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday

9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m est


Employees Only



Embassy/Consulates Contacts

Main Embassy:            + (1) 202 262 0758

Health Office:             + (1) 202 320 2415

LA Cultural Office:        + (1) 424 666 4214

LA General Consulate:   + (1) 310 279 3644

NY General Consulate:  + (1) 917 242 6688

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