U.S. Immigration Regulations & Procedures For Students in the United States


There have been a number of changes in U.S. immigration regulations. This is to inform you of these changes and remind you of major immigration regulations currently in effect. Please choose your topic from list below.


Out-of-status means that you have violated the terms of your “F” or “J” (student) visa. Your school s required to report to the BCIS all students who are out of status.

You are reminded that the regulations outlined above represent U.S. Law. As stated in the U.S. Federal Registry, non-compliance with these regulations may result in prosecution and/or deportation from the United States.

Immigration regulations are subject to change. We will attempt to inform you of any changes through this website. You must also check for changes at the immigration website at http://uscis.gov.

Note that this report covers BCIS regulations. You are reminded that you are also subject to regulations of your particular Kuwait scholarship program.

U.S. Immigration Regulations & Procedures For Students in the United States As PDF



Medical Insurance Emergency Line:  + (1) 866 654 7449

Office Number: + (1) 202 364 2100

Fax Number:  + (1) 202 363 8394


Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday

9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m est


Employees Only



Embassy/Consulates Contacts

Main Embassy:            + (1) 202 262 0758

Health Office:             + (1) 202 320 2415

LA Cultural Office:        + (1) 424 666 4214

LA General Consulate:   + (1) 310 279 3644

NY General Consulate:  + (1) 917 242 6688

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