1. Must have Kuwaiti Citizenship 
  2. Declared Major is on the list of approved designated scholarship majors [view list] and approved list of schools
  3. Must not have been previously granted a MOHE scholarship that ended in dismissal or withdrawal (In accordance with MOHE regulations Article 2, First Section, Item #7 and #8)
  4. A minimum of 27 earned/transferred academic credits detailed below: 
    • 27.00 semester (or 40.5 quarter system) acceptable credits from current approved US university AND/OR 
    • For students who recently obtained academic admission to an approved 4-year university: 27.00 semester (or 40.5 quarter system) acceptable credits transferred from previous US approved school/s attended
  5. A minimum of 2.50 overall cumulative GPA (acceptable credits from approved US schools; calculated by KCODC)
  6. Must be enrolled full time (minimum 12 credits) in the previous regular term (or the term prior to your intended scholarship term
  7. Enrolled full time (minimum 12 credits) during the scholarship application current term
  8. Must not be employed


The following credits are NOT ACCEPTABLE towards scholarship requirements

  • Online courses earned at a community college after Spring 2016 
  • Online courses exceeding the allowed maximum 4 non-traditional courses. 
  • Credits earned through Continuing Education, Open university, College of Professional Studies, College of Extended Learning, Global or Worldwide Campus 
  • Credits earned from unapproved schools/unapproved campuses are not on the Ministry’s approved list.  
  • Credits earned through evening division and weekend (Saturday & Sunday) classes. 
  • Credits earned through credit by exam or correspondence.  
  • Credits earned while you were employed.

Scholarship Application Checklist



Medical Insurance Emergency Line:  + (1) 866 654 7449

Office Number: + (1) 202 364 2100

Fax Number:  + (1) 202 363 8394


Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday

9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m est


Employees Only



Embassy/Consulates Contacts

Main Embassy:            + (1) 202 262 0758

Health Office:             + (1) 202 320 2415

LA Cultural Office:        + (1) 424 666 4214

LA General Consulate:   + (1) 310 279 3644

NY General Consulate:  + (1) 917 242 6688

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