- Must have Kuwaiti Citizenship
- Declared Major is on the list of approved designated scholarship majors [view list] and approved list of schools
- Must not have been previously granted a MOHE scholarship that ended in dismissal or withdrawal (In accordance with MOHE regulations Article 2, First Section, Item #7 and #8)
- A minimum of 27 earned/transferred academic credits detailed below:
- 27.00 semester (or 40.5 quarter system) acceptable credits from current approved US university AND/OR
- For students who recently obtained academic admission to an approved 4-year university: 27.00 semester (or 40.5 quarter system) acceptable credits transferred from previous US approved school/s attended
- A minimum of 2.50 overall cumulative GPA (acceptable credits from approved US schools; calculated by KCODC)
- Must be enrolled full time (minimum 12 credits) in the previous regular term (or the term prior to your intended scholarship term
- Enrolled full time (minimum 12 credits) during the scholarship application current term
- Must not be employed
The following credits are NOT ACCEPTABLE towards scholarship requirements
- Online courses earned at a community college after Spring 2016
- Online courses exceeding the allowed maximum 4 non-traditional courses.
- Credits earned through Continuing Education, Open university, College of Professional Studies, College of Extended Learning, Global or Worldwide Campus
- Credits earned from unapproved schools/unapproved campuses are not on the Ministry’s approved list.
- Credits earned through evening division and weekend (Saturday & Sunday) classes.
- Credits earned through credit by exam or correspondence.
- Credits earned while you were employed.